My name is Zander, and I'm a 22-year-old software engineer at RackN.
My experiences getting my E3-Pro working with custom firmware
Engauge is a Discord bot I started working on in early 2020. It is used to track member participation by means of message and voice activity and consequently quantifying this data with video game-like levels and experience.
Four of Clubs is a web-based online game that supports Texas hold 'em and other card games. I built it out of frustration for the lack of decent online card games. No account is required, and anyone can start their own lobbies and invite their friends.
mipsim (mip - sim) is a lightweight MIPS assembly editor and simulator. It supports all base MIPS instructions and then some pseudo-instructions. It has syntax highlighting, hoverable instruction details, a memory dump view, stepping tools, and more. I made it during an introduction to computer architecture class.